
The creation of a note in VÉgA complies with a number of rules that reflect the choices made by the publication committee.

List of reference dictionaries, glossaries and indexes

(cf. List of publications used in VÉgA).

Notes are created on the basis of information collected in a list of 21 dictionaries, glossaries and indexes from different states of ancient Egyptian or dedicated to specific themes, to which must be added 6 dictionaries of Demotic and Coptic.

Establishment of the list of words that constitute the Egyptian vocabulary

Each member of the publication committee is in charge of one or two letter(s), going through all the reference dictionaries and glossaries and recording all the words in a preliminary text file. The decision was taken to create a new note for each Wörterbuch’s entry, as well as for each additional word listed in the other publications, thus defining a first perimeter of the Egyptian vocabulary.

The study is then taken forward with systematic reference checks and control of the source material for words with few occurrences or whose translation is problematic.

At this point, the preliminary notes can be revised to be included into a summary table. When publications distinguish several entries for words with identical references, the committee may have decided to regroup them in one note. Conversely, when dictionaries record distinct nuances or words of different classes in a single entry, it was decided to separate them.

This step allows us to establish a definitive list of words to be recorded in the database. The choice has been made to exclude divine epithets and theonyms recorded in the LGG, as well as toponyms.

After the recording of the note, it is reviewed by the committee, which decides on its final publication.

Transliteration conventions adopted

The transliteration conventions adopted are those established in Grandet, Mathieu, Cours d’égyptien.

Where dictionaries offer different transliterations, the latter have been indicated in brackets after the bibliographic reference.

Choice of translations

The translations registered in VÉgA are most often those found in reference publications. Traditional egyptological translations entered into common usage, have also been taken into account, even though they may be sometimes questionable.

The theonyms in VÉgA are those missing in the LGG. In this case, the egyptian name has been preserved and adapted in latin script. The same is true for common egyptological designations (ex: « ima-tree », « akh », « ba », etc.).

Since translations into foreign languages may vary from French, only the most widely used ones have been chosen. Where the translation of a word has not been listed in one of the languages selected for the dictionary, a translation shall be proposed from those selected in the other languages.

Hieroglyphic forms selection

The main hieroglyphic forms are the ones that are most represented in the reference publications. The noteworthy atypical ones are registered in the « Catalogue of forms » tab.

The mention « hiérat. » indicates that the form appears in a source written in hieratic.

Integration of “erroneous words” and ” erroneous entries” into the database

In an attempt to establish the perimeter of the egyptian lexicon, it seemed necessary to the committee to devote notes to the words found in the reference publication which, after verification, proved to be erroneous. The committee distinguishes « erroneous word » from « erroneous entry ». The erroneous word is a word that does not exist, most often resulting from a wrong cutting of the text by an author. The erroneous entry usually refers to a word that exists but has been misread or misinterpreted by an author. In this case, a link in the « Remarks » tab opens the note showing the correct reading.